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Monday, June 30

Don't Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will;
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill;
When the funds are low, and the debts are high;
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh;
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you can never tell how close you are;
It may be near when it seems afar.
So, stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -
It's when things go wrong that you mustn't quit.

- isaac.
11:04:00 PM

It takes a day to make a dream,
But it takes many nights for a seed to become a tree.

Life is a ladder that must be climbed.
But in every stage,

There are many rivers and battles to fight
And our hopes determines our future.

Life is a trip through the wilderness
And everyone must survive for success.

But without a determination
We can never reach our destination.

There are many roads in life,
But choice

Stands between the broad and the narrow.
The world is not only what we see

But what we hear
Life is time and time is tide.

We are making an endless journey
But no ladder is without an end

Problems may fall like rain
But every seed has its season.

- isaac.
10:59:00 PM

Thursday, June 5

it has been a long, long time since i had this feeling...

a feeling of soreness, not being able to walk properly at the end of the day, a sense of achievement.

this was how i felt about a week ago and today, i felt sth similar to that but not as much..

it has been a long time since i've blogged haha and i've decided to blog since i needed to update it haha hopefully i can keep this up and post maybe every month haha

alright. back to the track stuff. being injured really sucks. cannot do this cannot do that. even the ytd i couldnt soccer with the guys whom i havent seen for an even longer time becos i had physio in the morn and needed to rest. hopefully i can make it for the next one! ^^ this back injury has cost me a lot. unable to run well, stop training for abt 2 weeks and all that made me seem like i'm drifting further from the track team.. luckily tj is such a friendly place and i when i went for training once again there wasnt much of a difference haha rock on tj track! ^^ yup.. so.. the sense of achievement at the end of training really boosted my morale quite a bit. i thought to myself that i can finally get my long lost form back and hopefully by nats beginnning on 3rd july, i'll gain back my form! top eightttttttt! to me it seems like an uphill task. an almost impossibilty but one thing keeps me going and my head high. i'll try my very best for it. it is my aim for almost a year now. although there's next yr but there's jcts and i think i will be doing a lot of studying then with the rate i am going now with my studies haha

speaking of studies... my dear sister is going overseas to study on saturday night! so fast la.. i'm definitely going to miss her. after she leaves, there'll be no one to talk to every night before i sleep. my sis would come over to my room every night and talk to me abt what has happened in the day and how she feels about things. i'm really glad that she does that and from there i can access how my life is going to be next time. i really have her to thank for who i am now ^^ when she's not around, there wont be anyone to shield me from the evil forces of my parents :x evil as in questioning tho. my sister has all along protected me by using herself as an example. 'ISAAC! WHY IS UR RESULTS LIKE THAT!' 'aiya.. dun worry la. i last time also like that one.. sec sch is like that one la.' wooo! thanks chair (jie*) hehe. aiya no momentum le lol jiejie just came and talked to me. life will definitely be different without her. thankfully i got ns. cooped up with training too haha.

till then, life has been much better for me now ^^ except my sis going overseas oh no.. have fun there sis! =)

- isaac.
11:56:00 PM

Saturday, April 19

ahhhh.. long time no blog alr haha probably about another month later. anyway jc life has been quite horrible. wars are present everyday: fighting to stay awake during lectures and tutorials. it really mystifying the way i feel so sleepy during lessons but get energetic again during breaks and after school. then, i've been training everyday for 2 weeks alr. the week before was tough. trained before sports day and managed zero goals haha but my events were lost to much much much better runners la. so no problem ^^ national x-country!! botanical gardens.. hm.. new grounds.. hopefully ppl dun do as well ^^ i'll just be aiming for probably top 40 or 50. maintain same as last time can alr. my 1500m also ah.. super off. my past two races were both about 4.50, way off my pb sianxz.. hopefully tml can at least break that during all-comers if not my morale will be at a all time low. coach still say can do 4.30 under for nats.. i'll try to believe it if i run like crap tml =D and we were training alpha house 4x100m team wooo! our passing is almost ownage alr. hopefully can win gamma heh heh. crazy gay house leading by 200pts how to catch up..

yup so thats about how my jc life has been so far haha. a bit no paragraphing paiseh. long time nvr write essay liao thats why will like that :x oh ya, studying.. that's the worse part haha. only my maths is on par. my chem and physics are on par now but before this all kns lol and as for econs... from on track to off track. crazy stuff. the teacher say what i dun understand at all lol. my processing rate is super slow la. must take the last bus =D yeah, and i'm rarely online because i have to catch up with homework and sleep early so that i can concentrate in class and be king shen for training. if not both sure suffer one.. at night my stretch somemore. lao liao la.. the only time i'm online would be when i am doing my PI which got rejected twice. shld have done modernization in the first place.. why i so lame go do journeys haha. hopefully my exclusive draft 3 gets accepted ^^ tj pw percentage A 87.2% leh.. ai zai sia.. cannot be below average! must pia pia pia haha. crap la. horse year always so qiang then put pressure on the poor little goats.. cannot be wad right. he both eat grass but horses run so much faster.. unfair sia.. then in turn the year after us , which i dunno is which animal, gets affected as well ( like in cch now) because of us unable to meet the same standards. ah la pressure la pressure..

kkz blog until here liao. need to go read econs alr next week got test. must aim to better my last test! aim 7/25 ^^ or 8? aim lower better ar.. 7 it shall be! ^^ study hard everyone! no matter what age you are.

aches everywhere but still going ^^ jiayou all!

- isaac.
10:41:00 PM

Tuesday, March 18

havent been blogging for more than a month now haha. blogging is sooo boring.. but no choice la.. have to blog =D

i shall start what i realised over the past three months. how much jc life sucks. the people and everything else are nice la but its just the workload and pace that is horrible.i spent hours doing mathematical induction and what i did was done in one tutorial. ONE TUTORIAL. die alr la.. now i have to finish the whole tutorial by tml. i heck alr. life cannot be any tougher haha and school ends so damn late.. how i wish i took higher chinese and H1 but it's ok! i can and will survive this short one and a half years. omg coming to think of it As are really approaching at top speed. in a blink of an eye its going to be As alr! oh no.. die.. but i think i better think of a way to survive tml's maths tutorial i'll probably copy my friend's one ^^

ahhh sianxz nth to write haha very sian now that she's nt around =( laterz then..

- isaac.
10:55:00 PM

Thursday, February 7

back to blogging on request by rachel haha. i realised it has been quite long since i blogged :x i guess blogging has became one of my last few piorities. instead of blogging to kill my boredom i prefer to laze around and sleep haha. right. so.. what has happened these few days hm..

i'll go into what happened recently since i'm lazy to recall. erm.. ytd was chinese new year eve as well as roadrun. roadrun was pretty fun. so many ppl cheering then damn high hahaha. i slowed down a lot near the end but still managed to get first apparently because leon was also out of energy lol. i guess i may have slowed down the race by quite a bit. 5.1 at 20mins plus.. damn slow sia. chin kai did 18plus last yr zomg. and i got first tyco-ly as well la in a way. capt chin kai and khai didnt run due to injuries, leaving 2 bballers who are super strong and the few of us. then, the best runner was sick and puked halfway. super lucky win. will try harder next yr ^^

after that, i went to meet a few friends =) and we sneaked into sweeny todd haha. the show isnt really nice. full of singing, difficult for me to catch the lyrics lol. maybe cos i slow. was struggling to read the chinese subtitles at the beginning. yeah, wont advice ppl to go and watch it. there's nth interesting abt the show other than blood and music.

i guess life much better now. lessons arent that boring and i dun dread going to school like last time. just that now i might make someone sneeze sometimes haha XD hope she gets into tj! oh yeah, if you're coming to tj look out for me! i am beta ogl woooo mass damn fun hahaha. damn.. now i like got a lot of things to say like that. see la rachel...

i'll just end here. lazy to type and i need to ice my leg. will try to blog again in future ^^.

so sadly time flies when there is fun. enjoy life now become the going gets tough!
happy chinese new year everyone! dun bother too much abt ur health or weight( unless you are health conscious or a tracker). just EAT. laterz.

- isaac.
9:42:00 PM

Friday, January 25

today was a great day wooo. went to sch until 8.40 today before going back to cch to play soccer with wenjie and his friends. sam, jerome and i went to meet them while cheesiang and the other two girls went dunno where lol. after soccer we went to play basketball for a while before it hit lunch time. the food in cch rocks so much that sam, kc and me went for seconds haha. must be tj sia. make us miss cheap and delicious canteen food.

then, i went for cch's training and there were a lot of sec1s zomg. this is nt fair sia. why last yr only accept 6 ppl then this yr so much.. but it's a good thing tho. finally got so many juniors haha. track training was just as fun as last time but now with so many ppl there, the team is more lively woooo. yeah, another highlight of training was that i accomplished what i wanted in training today. which was to run till i puked haha. in tj too deprived of that alr lol. i have to control every time i feel like puking during training damn sian. at last i can let it out! the feeling was super. must try my best to go for the next training ^^.

tears of joy and sadness were shed ytd. i hope everyone has put it behind them and move on. dun think too much of the past. it is the future that counts ^^. rock on.

- isaac.
10:26:00 PM

Wednesday, January 16

yeahhh. things started to get better after that emo post. really felt better over the past few days. maybe letting out what is inside me made me feel better haha. well.. before the emo post i actually had quite some stuff to post. just that too overwhlemed alr haha.

anyway, life must go on. so.. here are some photos of orientation. the five photos we took for the amazing race at the playground haha. they represent titanic, matrix, pirates of the carribean, daddy daycare and tarzan ^^. tjc orientation was really fun. even when i acted as a gay lemon tree lol. everyone's really fun wooohooo.

next was our class outing which very little went as usual. it was on last sat when i posted the previous post. we went to ecp for cycling and it was fun haha although i was sian on that day la. after cycling we went to pool and as usual got owned by marc and gx sian. after pool, we saw a childrens machine where a child sits in there and the parent puts 20cent coins and the ride goes. we were talking abt who could squeeze and mt the man did just that wooohooo. check it out:

yeah! so the past few days were quite fun and not as bad as last week. jc is starting to get better haha hopefully it stays this way ^^

- isaac.
9:45:00 PM

Sunday, January 13

things havent been in place recently. especially over the past week which passed as slow as a tortise walking. school isnt as fun as last time and i never look forward to it. life in tj is just lecture play lecture play then training sometimes. lectures are super boring and i doubt i can last the next one and a half years enduring it. also, although training in tj is lively and fun, i dun look forward to it as much as in secondary school. no idea why.. just missing the old days haha. full timtable starts tml and it's freakin' screwed up. my cg apparently changed for dunno what reason. wonder if its a mistake..

anyway yesterday there was a class outing and as usual very little people went but it was still as fun haha. i didnt really enjoy it much tho. woke up a very sian person yesterday didnt feel like going out at all and my resources are depleting. it must be fate. just nice in econs we are learning about unlimited wants but limited resources. i felt just that way yesterday. there were so many things i felt like eating BUT i had no money. damn sian. but i could still survive the day as cycling and pool didnt need much cash.

however, life must go on and i have to adapt to the jc life haha. hope she can come to tj. life's really torturous now.

- isaac.
11:10:00 AM

Tuesday, January 1

31st december '07 and 1st january '08 were great days. ytd marked the end of a fabulous year for me and although 2008 started off to a bit of a bad start i guess things will be better when we get to know more about each other.

last night we had sort of a party at gx's house where some of us stayed overnight and everyone went home on 1st jan which was good. never before have DL-lers went home after 10plus haha. very little people went to the class countdown ytd but it was alright. all of us were involved and occupied without anyone being left out and have to go to a corner to emo.

at about 1am this morn, gx and i had to rush to cage to meet the gab they all while the others went to lan and the girls went home. we caged till 5am which was madness and there was something very wrong with my stomach. the pain kept worsening and i puked. stupid kfc make me kena indigestion. anyway the torture didnt just end there and i continued to have diarrhoea until 9am this morn. i think i visited the toilet about 6 times. my goodness. thankfully i nt like wj, who was sick of going to the toilet after having such a torment hahaha. at least mine ended.

after cage, we met up again and then went for a movie, avp2 which.... sucks. no storyline. the worst show in 2008 so far and it's the second horrible movie u've seen this holidays. very fun....

happy new yr everyone! may this yr be a better yr than the last ^^

- isaac.
8:26:00 PM

Wednesday, December 26

a week late or so to post about my trip to europe. italy, switzerland and france. it was full of vomitting, fun and bore. italy was very much a bore. churches churches and more churches. a lot of history in italy and most of the houses there still have their olden day facade. not at all like singapore. where pre-war houses are a rare sight due to en-bloc and constant modernisation.

my first day in italy was double of what i felt on the first day of every trip. my air sickness was horrible and i puked out whatever is inside my stomach. felt like i was going to die. much worse than the time i felt after training. for the next two days i felt very much the same just that i didnt puke and recovered after taking medicine from a local pharmacy. after i recovered, the boredom of italy hit me and i couldnt wait to go home ask each day in italy past. although italy is rich in history and full of a lot of scenery, it wasnt attractive to me as all the house were all the olden day kind. yawnzzified. one of the places i liked about italy is pisa, where the leaning tower is. that place was great. despite still being sick, i enjoyed the climb up to the top of the leaning tower. the incline of it and the view at the top was great.

the next country was switzerland. super fun country to go to. a must go to everyone who goes to europe. switzerland has very delicious chocolate, breathtaking scenery and clean air. over there, we went up 2 mountains. jungfraujoch, top of europe and mount titlis. those places were -15 degrees plus and due to the strong wind, it was much colder. walking in that kind of temperature without feeling cold was the really cool part. all that think clothing must have helped with the exception of my shoes which allowed the freezing water to seep in and numb my toes. it was very fun in the mountains. the feeling of the wind blowing the ice at ur face is very refreshing and pain but we learn that the smoke coming out of mountains is not sulphur but the snow blown by the wind up there. after the mountains was shopping which was boring but better than italy. at least i could follow my dad to see watches or look around the place and enjoy the fresh air of switzerland.

the last 4 days were spent in paris, city of lights. paris was full of shopping and sightseeing where we visited all the places of interest except for the lourve museum which was closed on tuesdays sian. anyway we went up the eiffel tower both in the day and night. the view up there was spectacular. the third floor of the eiffel tower at night had a great view of the city. although most of the buildings were a tiny speck, the view was still great. the eiffel sparkled at night in its gold light. beautiful haha. other than the sights, paris was boring as the rest was shopping. zzz.

europe in all was fun ^^. never regretted going there.

- isaac.
11:08:00 PM